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韩国首尔大学Shinhoo Kang教授讲学通知
发布人:王亚明  发布时间:2016-09-05   浏览次数:217

应哈工大特陶所王玉金教授邀请,韩国首尔国立大学Shinhoo Kang教授将于201698日来我校访问并作学术报告,欢迎全校师生参加。

报告人:Prof. Shinhoo Kang

Department of Materials Sci. & Eng.

Seoul National University

Seoul, 151-742 Korea

报告题目:Development of Ti-based carbonitride cermets




TiC- and Ti(CN)-based cermets have been used successfully for high precision machining operation past 60 years. The amounts and types of dissolved carbides and nitrides along with sintering duration are important determinants of core/rim structure in Ti(CN)-Ni cermet systems. Recently attentions are being made on the tool materials composed of solid solution carbides. These carbides provide significant changes in microstructure and properties. In this talk new Ti-based cermets made of (Ti,W)C and (Ti,W)(CN) solid solution carbides will be presented in the context of the development history of cermets. The microstructure and cutting performance of WC-Co, current and new cermets will be compared each other.


Dr. Shinhoo Kang received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1983. He worked at GTE Laboratories (currently Central Lab of Verizon) in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA from 1983 to 1992. Now he is Professor at the department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University since 1993. He is the author or co-author of 50 patents and 140 journal papers in the fields of nano materials for lighting, phosphors for display, energy storage materials, hard materials for precision machining and materials for super–high-temperature applications. E-mail
