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发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2006-09-26   浏览次数:97
     受学校国际化基金资助,美国里海大学材料科学与工程系Prof.Williams 来校讲学,具体安排如下:
1。美国勒海大学的科研改革》,9月26(周二),15:00,理学楼 601。
3。《如何发表高因子SCI文章》,9月27(周三),14:00,材料学院 322。
2。《纳米材料的界面的电镜分析》,9月27(周三),15:30,材料学院 322。
Prof.David B. Williams
He obtained his B.A. (1970), M.A. (1974), Ph.D. (1974) and Sc.D. (2001) from Cambridge University. (英国剑桥大学获学士、硕士、哲学博士、理学博士)
David B. Williams is the Harold Chambers Senior Professor of Materials Science and Engineering (是Harold Chambers高级教授)
From 1974-1976 he was a Science Research Council Fellow in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science in Cambridge.(剑桥大学科研委员会理事
In 1976 he moved to Lehigh as an Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, becoming Associate Professor in 1979 and Professor in 1983.(1983年至今为Lehigh大学材料科学与工程领域教授)
He directed the Electron Microscope Center at Lehigh from 1980 to 1998 and chaired the MS&E Department from 1992-2000. (1980至1998为电镜中心主任,1992至2000 材料科学与工程系系主任)
He is also the Director of Lehigh Universitys renowned electron microscopy school which have been the world leader in microscopy education for more than 30 years. (Lehi大学著名Electron Microscopy 学院院长,该院在世界microscopy教育为领头单位已达30年之久)
2001to presentVice Provost for Research at Lehigh University.2001至现在任该大学科研部副部长