课程中文名称:陶瓷材料课程编码:S5192020课程英文名称:Ceramic materials
课程简介:陶瓷材料是高等工科院校非陶瓷专业学生的选修课程之一,它以物理化学、材料科学基础和材料物理为基础,主要介绍,陶瓷材料的分类、基本性能特点和制备工艺,本课程的教学目的在于使学生初步了解陶瓷材料的相关知识,为学生从事陶瓷材料的设计、制备、结构分析和性能测试以及材料应用等方面的研究方法提供一定的基础知识。其主要内容包括陶瓷的特点、制备工艺、结构陶瓷、功能陶瓷和陶瓷基复合材料。 Ceramic materials is a selected course for the students in materials science and engineering, which is based on physical chemistry, foundation of materials science and materials physics. It introduces the design principles, basic properties and fabrication processes of ceramic materials. This course enables the students to understand the basic knowledge involving the design and fabrication, microstructure analysis, properties tests, and applications of ceramic materials. The course of ceramic materials mainly includes the following parts: features and fabrication process of ceramic, introduction of structural ceramic, functional ceramic and ceramic based composites.
| 课程中文名称:精细陶瓷制备与工艺课程编码:S5192030课程英文名称:Fine Ceramic Technology and Processing课程简介:精细陶瓷制备与工艺是高等工科院校无机非金属材料专业学生的的一门主干课程,是陶瓷材料制备的基础,在材料制备工艺中占有重要地位。主要讲述了陶瓷原材料的特性、陶瓷粉体制备、加工处理、成型和烧结工艺,以及烧结的基本原理。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握陶瓷材料制备的基本工艺和原理,为学生从事陶瓷材料的设计、制备及应用等方面的研究奠定一定的基础。 Fine ceramic technology and processing is a special major course for students major in inorganic non-metal speciality, which is the basic of ceramic materials preparation, thus lays an important position among the material fabrication processes. The course mainly introduces the characteristic of starting ceramic materials, preparation of ceramic powers, machining and treatment, forming and sintering process, and basic sintering principles of ceramics. The course of fine ceramic technology and processing enables the student to master the basic fabrication processes and principles of ceramic materials, and lays a foundation of design, fabrication and application of ceramic materials for the students.
| 课程中文名称:生物材料课程编码:S5192070课程英文名称:Biomaterials
课程简介:生物材料是材料科学与工程专业的一门选修课程,它以物理化学和材料科学基础为基础,主要讲述生物材料的基本概念、类型和应用。本课程的教学目的在于使学生了解材料的生物性能和作为生物医用的适应性,掌握生物化学基本原理,天然生物材料基本结构和性能,材料的生物适应性和生物医学材料选用原则,现有生物医学材料的结构、制备原理和应用情况,以及仿生材料学概况,为学生今后从事生物医学材料研究开发奠定必要基础。主要内容包括生物化学基础、天然生物材料、生物医学材料、生物化学材料、仿生材料学简介等。 Biomaterial is a selected course for the students major in materials science and engineering, which is based on physical chemistry and materials science. It introduces the basic concepts, types and applications of biomaterials. This course enables the students to understand bio-properties and their applications, also master the following focuses: basic theory of biochemistry, microstructure and properties of inartificial biomaterials, bioadaptability and selecting rules of biomaterials, microstructure, preparation principles and applications of current biomedical materials, and survey for biomimetic materials science, which lay a foundation for students to research and develop biomedical materials in future. The course of biomaterials mainly includes biochemistry foundation, inartificial biomaterials, biomedical materials, biochemical materials, survey for biomimetic material science.
| 课程中文名称:材料的分析测试方法课程编码:T1192020课程英文名称:Analysis methods of materials 课程简介:材料分析测试方法是材料科学及其相关专业学生必须掌握的专业基础课程,在材料科学的课程中占有重要地位。通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握有关X射线衍射、透射电子显微分析、扫描电子显微分析等技术等来分析和测试材料晶体结构、缺陷、相组成、表面和断口特征等,为今后从事材料科学的试验研究奠定理论基础。主要内容包括X射线衍射的基本原理和应用、透射电子显微分析技术、扫描显微分析技术、能谱和热分析等其它分析测试方法 Analysis methods of materials is a special major course for materials science and related specialities, which lay an important position among the courses of materials science. The course enables the students to master the analysis techniques of XRD, TEM and SEM, and use them to characterize the crystal structure, defects, phase composition, features of surface and fractured materials, which lays a theoretical foundation for experimental research on materials science. The course of analysis methods of materials mainly involves basic principle and application of X-ray and analysis techniques such as TEM, SEM, EDS and thermal analysis. |
课程中文名称:材料分析测试方法III 课程编码:SC19101130 课程英文名称:Material Analysis Technologies III
课程简介:本课程是材料科学与工程专业学生必修的专业基础课,课程的教学目的是使学生初步掌握材料科学研究中常见成分和微观结构分析方法。通过本课程学习了解X-射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM) 、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)、电子能谱 (X-射线光电子、俄歇电子、电子能量损失谱)、辉光放电光谱(GDS)、晶格振动谱(红外光谱(IR spectra)、拉曼光谱(Raman spectra))等成分结构分析方法的基本原理及特点。通过实际案例介绍使学生初步掌握材料成分和结构分析方法及步骤。
适用学科:材料科学与工程(英才学院) 先修课程:材料科学基础 开课院(系):材料科学与工程学院材料科学系 任课教师:饶建存