为了加快哈工大材料科学与工程学科“双一流”建设和迎接哈尔滨工业大学特种陶瓷研究所建所20周年,应哈工大特种陶瓷研究所所长贾德昌教授和李保强教授邀请,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学材料工程系、生物医学工程学院Rizhi Wang教授开展学术交流,欢迎广大师生线下或线上参加交流。
报告人:Rizhi Wang教授,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学
线上腾讯会议:981 359 317(入会密码1112)

报告摘要:Osteoclasticresorptionofboneplaysacentralroleinbothosteoporosis. A reliable in vitro assay that simulates osteoclastic resorption in vivo would significantly speed up the process of developing effective therapeutic solutions for those diseases. A challenge in the past has been to establish a standard calcium phosphate substrate with well-controlled structure. In a series of laboratory studies, we have developed a robust nano-structured calcium phosphate coating with unique functions on the track-etched porous membrane by using a novel ammonia-induced mineralization (AiM) technique. This report presents unique nanostructure of the processed coating together with formation mechanisms. We will then demonstrate the applications of the processed calcium phosphate coating as a drug screening device by using alendronate, a widely used drug for osteoporosis. The application will be supported by in-depth analyses of drug release and osteoclast activities using various microscopy techniques. Finally, applications of this novel assay in other diseases such as prostate cancer bone metastasis will be discussed.
报告题目二:Bone and hip fracture: A material perspective
报告摘要:Hip fractures are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in older people. It is a combined result of both external impact and internal bone fragility caused by osteoporosis. From the materials point of view, human bone has up to seven levels of hierarchical structure, from the mineralized collagen fibrils at the nanometer level, to bone lamellae and Haversian systems at the intermediate level, and the cortical and trabecular bone at the macroscopic level. Such a complex structure is expected to provide bone with necessary toughness to resist impact. Thus the question here is: what makes bone fragile? This presentation provides an overview on how aging and osteoporosis change the structure and mineralization of bone and make a hip susceptible to fracture.